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- EUV Revision Notes
- Version 1.4
- Revision 11/24/93
- Introduction
- This release is intended for Guest Observer use for point source
- analysis. This release is for users of the EUVE pointed
- spectroscopic data analysis software. Patches to this release
- will be created on an as needed basis. This document only covers
- the EUV/IRAF layered package software release. It doesn't
- address the issue of the scientific correctness of EUVE data
- products.
- For information about installing IRAF/EUV see the "EUV
- Installation Guide".
- This release adds several new programs and corrects some errors
- found in the previous releases.
- New Features
- QPOE files can now be converted to and from ST table format,
- using the qpwst and qprst tasks in the euvtools package.
- The ism program, in the euvspec package, computes the effect of
- interstellar absorption on input flux.
- Some code was changed to take advantage of the short datatype in
- version 1.3 of the ST tables package.
- Code Corrections
- More mismatched uses of yes/no and true/false were corrected, and
- other lines of code that caused FORTRAN compiler portability
- problems were fixed.
- The euv.cl file was changed to automatically reload the euv
- package after the euvred, euvtools, and euvspec packages are
- loaded.
- Detailed changes to tasks and libraries can be found in the
- revisions.log file.
- Major Features Comprehensive Event Pipeline CEP in the euvred
- package implements a functional version of the processing
- pipeline used in EUVE data calibration. The pipeline consists of
- several modules, including: time filtering, spatial masks, aspect
- correction, wavelength correction, and simple calculations.
- These modules are configured to produce QPOE images of EUVE
- spectral observations from restructured raw data represented in
- ST Tables.
- Data Quality Selection DQSELECT in the euvred package implements
- a functional version of data quality selection for EUVE data.
- Good time format ST tables can be generated from time-stamped
- monitors. Good times intervals, that is, a set of time periods
- when the data falls within user selected criteria, can be
- generated from time-stamped monitors. These intervals can be
- stored in ST tables or inserted as macros in QPOE files. Time
- macros can also be inserted into QPOE files.
- Instrument Modeling SPECMOD reads and writes IRAF image files as
- well as ASCII line lists. The user can selectively turn PSF
- convolution on or off. SPECMOD has been upgraded to read EUV
- detector tables. This task primarily accepts user supplied data
- as input, typically the expected flux at the telescope aperture,
- and produces spectra folded through an instrument model.
- Background Monitoring BACKMON provides basic information on the
- EUVE spacecraft environment based on spacecraft engineering
- monitors. The information includes magnetic latitude which
- greatly effects EUVE background levels. The output from BACKMON
- can be used with DQSELECT to produce time filters for the
- relevant QPOE files.
- Missing Features
- Several features are still missing from the EUV/IRAF layered
- package. Among them are the following: First, EUVE has an
- instrument effect called Primbsching that limits high telemetered
- count rates from any EUVE detector. This Primbsch effect must be
- corrected for in the observation. Two methods are possible:
- model the primbsch effect in the instrument modeling software, or
- associate an "intensity" with each event. Both techniques are
- under investigation.
- Several instrument anomalies are currently under investigation.
- As these anomalies are resolved, they must either be modeled or
- corrected. It is expected that some of these anomalies will
- require additional analysis software. This issues will be
- addressed in an on-going basis, depending upon urgency.
- Revision History
- 1.4 Revision -- November 1993
- 1.3 Revision -- August 1993
- 1.2.2 Revision -- May 1993
- 1.2.1 Revision -- May 1993
- 1.2 Revision -- April 1993
- 1.1.1 Revision -- January 1993
- 1.1 Revision -- November 1992
- 1.0.4 Revision -- September 1992
- 1.0.2 Revision -- July 1992
- 1.0 Revision -- May 1992
- Beta Revision -- November 1991
- Alpha Revision -- September 1990
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 7 Feb 1994
- The SPECMOD spectral modeling task in egocs1.4 has been modified to
- accept the instrument point spread function (PSF) values in FWHM
- units, as given in the fwhm1 column in the egodata1.8 files
- sw_psf.tab, mw_psf.tab, and lw_psf.tab.
- Prior to egodata1.8, the PSF was specified as one-sigma values.
- This means that egodata releases prior to egodata1.8 will
- not be compatible with the egocs1.4 version of SPECMOD.